Supplier Code of Conduct

eSIMradar ( is committed to promoting a fair, transparent, and ethical marketplace for prepaid eSIM services. As a comparison website, we list various eSIM providers and expect our suppliers to adhere to the highest standards of business conduct.

This Suppliers Code of Conduct outlines the principles and standards we require our suppliers to uphold.


Suppliers must comply with all applicable local, national, and international laws and regulations, including but not limited to those related to labor, health and safety, environment, and anti-corruption.


Honesty and Integrity: Suppliers must conduct business with honesty and integrity, avoiding any form of fraud, misrepresentation, or unethical practices.

Fair Competition: Suppliers should compete fairly and not engage in anti-competitive practices such as price fixing, market manipulation, or collusion.

Anti-Corruption: Suppliers must not engage in bribery, corruption, extortion, or embezzlement in any form.


Freely Chosen Employment: Suppliers must ensure that all employment is voluntary. Forced, bonded, or indentured labor is prohibited.

Working Conditions: Suppliers must provide safe and healthy working conditions, ensuring that workers are not exposed to harmful practices or environments.

Wages and Benefits: Suppliers must pay workers timely wages that meet or exceed the minimum legal standards and provide all legally mandated benefits.

Non-Discrimination: Suppliers must ensure equal opportunity and non-discriminatory practices in hiring, employment, and promotion.


Environmental Protection: Suppliers must comply with all environmental laws and regulations and take steps to minimize their environmental impact.

Sustainable Practices: Suppliers should strive to use resources efficiently, reduce waste, and promote sustainable practices in their operations.


Data Protection: Suppliers must safeguard the privacy and security of any personal data they handle, in compliance with relevant data protection laws.

Cybersecurity: Suppliers must implement appropriate measures to protect their systems and data from cybersecurity threats and breaches.


Suppliers must safeguard and protect eSIMradar’s confidential information. Confidential information includes all nonpublic information relating to eSIMradar, which could be of use to competitors or harmful to eSIMradar or its customers if disclosed. Suppliers may not disclose or distribute eSIMradar’s confidential information, except when disclosure is authorized by eSIMradar or required by applicable law, rule, regulation, or legal proceeding. Suppliers shall use confidential information solely for legitimate business purposes. Additional restrictions on the use and handling of confidential information may be included in agreements entered into with eSIMradar.


We strictly prohibit any manipulation of API data that could influence the ranking, display, or perception of eSIM providers listed on Providers must ensure that all data transmitted through their APIs is accurate, transparent, and not designed to mislead or artificially enhance their standing on our platform. Any detected attempts to manipulate rankings or misrepresent information will result in potential limitation of visibility or removal from our listings. We are committed to maintaining a fair and honest comparison environment for our users and expect all partners to uphold these standards.


Transparent Practices: Suppliers must maintain transparency in their business practices and provide accurate information about their products and services.

Monitoring and Reporting: Suppliers should regularly monitor compliance with this code and report any significant issues or breaches to


Ongoing Commitment: Suppliers should continuously strive to improve their practices and align with the principles outlined in this code.

Training and Awareness: Suppliers should provide training and raise awareness among their employees about the standards and expectations set forth in this code.


eSIMradar reserves the right to assess and monitor supplier compliance with this code. Non-compliance may result in corrective actions, including potential termination of the business relationship.


If you have questions or concerns about this Code or your business relationship with eSIMradar, please raise them with your business contact or email

If you want to report anonymously or report ethical or compliance violations (such as accounting matters or controls, corruption or bribery), these issues may be reported through at

We maintain the right to review compliance with this Code and suspend or, under the appropriate circumstances, terminate relationships with a supplier found to be in breach. We may review and update this Code at our sole discretion.


eSIMradar values its relationships with suppliers and believes that adherence to this Suppliers Code of Conduct is essential for fostering a sustainable and ethical business environment. We are committed to working collaboratively with our suppliers to ensure these standards are met and maintained.