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Written by: Emilie Chen

Monthly Recap - March 2024

Get ready for our brand-new series! Each month, we’ll dive into the world of eSIMs, exploring how this technology is evolving and how users are making choices in this space.

We’ll take you on a journey through the twists and turns of the eSIM industry, giving you a detailed look at the trends and developments shaping its landscape. From the decisions consumers are making to the strategies being employed, we’ll uncover it all!


To ensure clarity and simplicity, we've meticulously analyzed various data sources at our disposal, consolidating them wherever feasible. This comprehensive approach allows us to present you with a refined overview of the eSIM industry.

Which region is the most popular?

What data plan do users choose?

L'Europe 

Amérique du Nord

Amérique du Sud





Asie du sud est

Prepaid or Subscription?

We hope you’ve gained valuable insights into the eSIM industry.

Your feedback is invaluable to us! If you have any thoughts, suggestions, or data points you’d like us to explore in future recaps, please don’t hesitate to reach out or comment below.

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About The Author
Meet Emily Chen, a travel writer and eSIM enthusiast. Emily’s love for exploring new places has taken her all over the world. She now shares her experiences and tips for staying connected while traveling through her writing on eSIMradar.
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Profite d'un voyage à l'étranger sans tracas

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Trouve ta eSIM idéale sans effort et reste connecté avec style où que tes aventures te mènent ! Bénéficie d'offres exclusives et de réductions à portée de main, garantissant que tu restes connecté pour moins cher lors de tes voyages !

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