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Written by: Emily Chen

Data Usage Abroad

As you plan for your upcoming holiday abroad, it’s important to consider how much data you will need for your trip. Whether you’re using your phone for navigation, streaming music and video, or staying in touch with loved ones, having a good data plan is essential.

Here’s a breakdown of the data usage for common activities and a calculation to help you estimate your needs:

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Breakdown of Common Activities

Social Media

If you’re planning to share your adventures on social media, you can expect to use around 1MB of data per post for Facebook and 2MB per tweet for Twitter. For example, if you plan to post 10 times per day on Facebook and 10 times per day on Twitter, you will use a total of 20MB per day.

Internet Browsing

General internet browsing can use up to 1MB of data per page, but this can vary depending on the complexity of the page. If you plan to spend an hour per day browsing the web, you can expect to use around 60MB of data.


Using your phone’s GPS for navigation can be a data-intensive activity, with usage ranging from 50MB to 100MB per hour. If you plan to use your GPS for an average of 2 hours per day, you can expect to use between 100MB and 200MB.


Streaming music on Spotify uses approximately 0.72MB of data per minute. If you plan to stream music for 2 hours per day, you can expect to use around 86.4MB of data.


Sending emails typically uses very little data, with each message using around 0.1MB. However, if you plan to send or receive a lot of emails with large attachments, your usage may be higher.

Video Streaming

Streaming video on platforms like Netflix or YouTube can use a significant amount of data, with usage ranging from 1GB to 3GB per hour depending on the quality of the video. If you plan to stream video for 2 hours per day, you can expect to use between 2GB and 6GB of data.

Skype or Video Calls

Video calls on Skype or other platforms can use a significant amount of data, with usage ranging from 2MB to 4MB per minute. If you plan to make video calls for 30 minutes per day, you can expect to use between 60MB and 120MB of data.

Online Gaming

Online gaming can also be a data-intensive activity, with usage ranging from 50MB to 200MB per hour depending on the game. If you plan to play online games for an average of 2 hours per day, you can expect to use between 100MB and 400MB of data.

Downloading Apps or Updates

If you plan to download apps or updates while you’re abroad, you can expect to use a significant amount of data. The exact usage will depend on the size of the download, but it’s not uncommon for apps to be several hundred megabytes in size.

Online Gaming

Online gaming can also be a data-intensive activity, with usage ranging from 50MB to 200MB per hour depending on the game. If you plan to play online games for an average of 2 hours per day, you can expect to use between 100MB and 400MB of data.

Calculating Your Total Data Needs

To calculate your total data needs for your trip, add up the data usage for each activity you plan to do. For example, if you plan to use your phone for social media, GPS navigation, and streaming music for 2 hours per day, you can expect to use around 206.4MB – 306.4MB per day.

As you can see, there are many activities that can use data while you’re abroad. By considering all of the activities you plan to do and estimating your usage, you can ensure you have enough data for your trip.

Remember to overestimate your needs to be safe, and consider purchasing a local eSIM card or data plan if you think you will need more data than your current plan allows. With the right data plan, you can enjoy all of your favorite activities and stay connected while you’re away from home.

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About The Author
Meet Emily Chen, a travel writer and eSIM enthusiast. Emily’s love for exploring new places has taken her all over the world. She now shares her experiences and tips for staying connected while traveling through her writing on eSIMradar.
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